
Hello and Welcome. My name is Ravinder Kadiyan.


I am a software engineer by profession and having a keen interest in Agile software delivery and DevOps.

I have worked on different tech stack involve in software delivery lifecycle, and java remains my favourite.


Why Here

I want to share my knowledge and experience that I have gain in past as well as currently doing in day-today work. I have been planning to have personal bolgging for quite a some timem but was a bit lazy to start 😄. So here I am.

What's in the name

It's really hard to find a domain name to share your ideas around. *Arika is the name of my daughter and I decided to choose the domain around her name.


All the views that are presents in any of the blog on this website are personal opinion.


This website do not track users in any way.

Tech Contribution

You can find my github repos @ GitHub.